Employment Opportunities at Old Pueblo Gymnastics Academy
We accept applications for all positions on an on-going basis. Please feel free to print our application, fill it out and drop it by. We would love to meet you in person.
Click here to download our Application for Employment.
Requirements for Employment for Coaching Positions:
All coaches are required to be Adult/Child/Infant First Aid and CPR certified. It is a good idea to take care of this before you approach us for employment as it will be required upon employment. Here is a local place that offers an inexpensive, hands on class Desert Fire First Aid / CPR.
All coaches must become USAG members. Please visit this website for more information: www.usagym.org
All coaches must take the U100 class. The cost is $15 and the class is online through USAG.
All applicants must be a SafeSport Class U110 certified coach.
If you are over 18 years old, you must complete and pass the background check through the USAG website which links to NCIS (Click here for details USAG Background Check). You will not be considered for employment without a background check. Upon employment, you will be reimbursed for the fee associated with the background check.
If you are applying for a team coaching position, you must be or be able to become, USAG Safety Certified.
Requirements for Employment for Support Positions (Front Desk / Cleaner):
If you are over 18 years old, you must complete and pass the background check through the USAG website which links to NCIS (Click here for details USAG Background Check). You will not be considered for employment without a background check. Upon employment, you will be reimbursed for the fee associated with the background check.
Tips for filling out applications:
For your personal references, please list adults who have seen your work ethic and performance on a more professional level at school, in a previous job or with regard to volunteer work. Personal references that are friends, family members or peers will not be regarded as highly as those that are more professional.
Give us as much detail as possible about your gymnastics background. This is very important.
Be specific about what position you would like to have or which levels you would like to coach.
Be specific about the hours you are available and any school breaks that you will not be available due to holidays or future school commitments. We need to know this for planning.
List all work history with manager contact information.
After receiving your application, we will review it, call your references and then call you for an interview if everything checks out and if we have space in a position to hire you!